University College NHS Partnership

Welcome to the University of Stirling, Forth Valley College & NHS Forth Valley Partnership. 

Working Together to Make a Difference

This exciting partnership builds on the existing long-standing and close relationship between NHS Forth Valley, the University of Stirling and Forth Valley College. With a focus on research, innovation, learning and career development, it brings together a wealth of knowledge, expertise and experience to help unlock research funding and support the development of new learning opportunities across health and social care. It will also facilitate exploration of new and novel tests and treatments in specialist areas such as cancer, surgery, medicine and mental health.  It also aims to drive forward innovation to improve the health and wellbeing of local staff, patients and communities across Forth Valley and beyond.


Innovation is a key priority and by working together there are real opportunities to drive forward change across the health and care sector and ensure Forth Valley is at the forefront of new technological, clinical and educational advances.


The Partnership brings together research leads from all three organisations, along with public health specialists and business leads, to drive forward improvements in health and social care services across Forth Valley and beyond.


The Partnership brings together research leads from all three organisations, along with public health specialists and business leads, to drive forward improvements in health and social care services across Forth Valley and beyond.


Learning is critical to attract our future workforce and ensure they are equipped with the skills and experience they need to meet the current and future healthcare needs of local people across Forth Valley.


Creating new career pathways and opportunities is vital to retain and develop health and care staff and ensure they have the skills and experience to take on new roles and responsibilities.


Creating new career pathways and opportunities is vital to retain and develop health and care staff and ensure they have the skills and experience to take on new roles and responsibilities.